Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Imperialism during 1850 - 1914

Terms & Names
  • Imperialism                                                   
  • Racism
  • Social Darwinism
  • Berlin Conference 
  • Shaka
  • Direct Rule
  • Indirect Rule
  • Religion  
  • Colony 
  • Sphere of Influence 
  • Economic Imperialism   

What is Imperialism? 

Imperialism is the takeover of a weaker nation by a stronger nation. Imperialism is the attempt to build an empire by expanding your territory and spreading your culture. Imperialism has two meanings, one describing an action and the other describing an attitude. Most commonly it is understood in relation to Empire building, as the expansion of a nation's authority by territorial conquest establishing economic and political powers in other territories or nations, and when such encompasses non-contiguous "colonies" or "protectorates" then the term also subsumes Colonialism. In that sense, most European seafaring powers were at one time or another colonialist and therefore Imperialistic, regardless of their exploitation or benevolence toward their colonial possessions and people.

In its second meaning the term describes the imperialistic attitude of superiority, subordination and dominion over foreign people a chauvinism and comportment relegating foreign people to a lesser social and or political status. To clarify the distinction, the French colonies in North America treated the native races with great diplomacy, whereas the British colonies early on began treating native Americans chauvinistically, as savages and lesser creatures.


Racism is belief that one race is better than others. For examples there are many people who hate black people because of their skin color. Racism exists practically in all countries. In some cases racism can generate such an enormous amount of anger that can cause a war. The thing that causes this anger is mainly fear. Fear that the stranger will take your house, your job, your wife, and....!


" I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. "
                              Martin Luther King, Jr.

Social Darwinism.
In 1875 Social Darwinism started. Social Darwinism is a survival of the fittest applied to human society. Social Darwinism also is a belief, popular in the late Victorian era in England, America, and elsewhere, which states that the strongest or fittest should survive and flourish in society, while the weak and unfit should be allowed to die. The father of Social Darwinism was Herbert Spencer. The name "social Darwinism" is a modern name given to the various theories of society that emerged in England and the United States in the 1870s, which, it is alleged, sought to apply biological concepts to sociology and politics.

Berlin Conference. ( November 1884 - February 1885 )

One of the most important thing during the imperialism was the Berlin Conference. It created rules for taking over the Africa. In Nov. 1884 - Feb. 1885 , fourteen European nations met at Berlin Conference to lay down rules for division of Africa. Finally they agreed that any European country could claim land in Africa by notifying other nations of its claim and showing it could control the area. So they divide the continent. But no African ruler was invited to attend these meetings. By 1914, only Liberia and Ethiopia remained free from European control. When European countries began to colonizing, many people believed that Africans will buy the European goods in great quantities, But they were totally wrong because just a few Africans bought the goods from European. By the time independence returned to Africa in 1950

The Berlin Conference in 1884-85

Berlin Conference was really important because the strong nations were decide to take over the Africa...! 

Zulu led by Shaka ( Chief ), who set up a kingdom in the early 1800s. Zulus fight the British from the late 1700s to the late 1800s. Around 1816, a Zulu Chief, Shaka, used highly disciplined warriors and good military organization to create a large centralized state.  Shaka (and his heirs) controlled the nation primarily by military obedience, not dissimilar to ancient Spartan society. Each man was assigned to a regiment filled with men of the same age. These regiments were housed in barracks which were placed throughout the kingdom.

Direct Rule.

  • Direct Rule: The colony that directly administrate by the Colonizer. (For example Senegal).

Indirect Rule.

  • Indirect Rule: Colonies were given a degree of internal control. (For example Nigeria).


  • Religion: missionaries wanted to civilize and convert people to Christianity; believed European rule would ended the slave trade.


  • Group of people setting in another land.

Sphere of Influence.

  • Any are in which one nation wields dominate power over another or others

Economic Imperialism .

  • The system, Policies, or practices of such a government

This map is showing that what countries controlled the Africa.



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